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Our open-source tool,, estimates costs and environmental impact of various electrified and non-electrified personal vehicles.  On, you will find videos walking through installation and basic usage.  More recently, we released a web-app version of the tool, at  Please come on over for a visit!

Optimal deployment of new powertrain technology to minimize greenhouse gasses

An Approach for Estimating the Contributions of Various Real-World Usage Conditions towards the Attained Utility Factor of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Karim Hamza, Kenneth Laberteaux, and Kang-Ching Chu. 2024. World Electric Vehicle Journal 15, no. 10: 458.

On the Need for Revisions of Utility Factor Curves for Plug-In Hybrids in the US, Hamza, K. and Laberteaux, K., SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-2155, 2024, (draft) (slides)

On inferred real-world fuel consumption of past decade plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in the US, Karim Hamza, Kenneth Laberteaux, and Kang-Ching Chu, Environmental Research Letters, Accepted Manuscript online 26 September 2022, (spreadsheet summarizing vehicle results, spreadsheet summarizing vehicle reference values)

Examination of Real-World Performance of Plug-In Hybrids via Public Data Sources, Karim Hamza and Ken Laberteaux, SAE Hybrid and EV Technologies Symposium, Garden Grove, California, September 14, 2022.  

Modeling Future Price of Electric Vehicles, Ken Laberteaux, keynote presentation of Plastics in Electric & Autonomous Vehicle Conference, hosted by SPE Automotive, 05 May 2022.

A Study on the Impact of Driving in Charge Mode on Well-To-Wheels GHG of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Karim Hamza, Kang-Ching Chu, Ken Laberteaux, SAE World Congress 2022. (draft)(video)(video script)

Hamza, K., Benoliel, P., Chu, K.-C., and Laberteaux, K., Extended Modeling, Calibration and Validity Assessment of Vehicle Models in Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator via Real-World Driving Data, SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0661, 2022, (draft) (slides)

Hamza, K.; Laberteaux, K.P.; Chu, K.-C. On Modeling the Cost of Ownership of Plug-In Vehicles World Electr. Veh. J. 2021, 12, 39, (download spreadsheet) (SAE World Congress 2020 version, April 2020) (slides) (video)

Validity Assessment and Calibration Approach for Simulation Models of Energy Efficiency of Light-Duty Vehicles, Karim Hamza, Kang-Ching Chu, Matthew Favetti, Peter Benoliel, Vaishnavi Karanam, Ken Laberteaux and Gil Tal, Paper 2020-01-1441, SAE World Congress 2020,, 2020. (slides

Comparing the Cost Efficacy of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Varying Plug-In Vehicle Powertrain Architectures - A Multi-Parameter Scenario Approach, Presentation, Ken Laberteaux, Karim Hamza, Jean Chu, Presented at SAE Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technologies Symposium, January 28-30, 2020. (This material draws heavily from July 2019 symposium presentation hosted by the PH&EV Center, University of California, Davis.) 

Optimizing the electric range of plug-in vehicles via fuel economy simulations of real-world driving in California, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Karim Hamza, John Willard, Transportation Research Part D 73 (2019) 15–33,, 2019.

An Approach for Characterizing Scenarios of Interest in Parameterized Pareto Plots: Application to Competitiveness Assessment of Light-Duty Plug-in Vehicles, Karim Hamza, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Kang-Ching Chu, John Willard, The World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019. (draft)

A study on opportune reduction in greenhouse gas emissions via adoption of electric drive vehicles in light duty vehicle fleets, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Karim Hamza, Transportation Research Part D 63 839-854,, 2018.

A Pareto Trade-Off Analysis Of Cost Versus Greenhouse Gas Emissions For A Model Of A Mid-Sized Vehicle With Various Powertrains, Karim Hamza, Ken Laberteaux, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering IDETC/CIE 2018, 2018. (slides)

A Java Implementation of Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator (FASTSim) Fuel Economy Simulation Code Modules, Karim Hamza, Ken Laberteaux, and John Willard, SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, Paper 2018-01-0412, 2018. (slides)

A Study on Optimal Powertrain Sizing of Plugin Hybrid Vehicles for Minimizing Criteria Emissions Associated with Cold Starts, Karim Hamza and Ken Laberteaux, SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, Paper 2018-01-0406, 2018. (slides) (journal version draft)

A Big-Data Approach to Estimating Fuel Economy, Laberteaux, K., Hamza, K., SAE Government/Industry Meeting, Washington, DC, 2018.

A Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Opportunity in Light-Duty Vehicles by Analyzing Real Driving Patterns, Laberteaux, K., Hamza, K., SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, Paper 2017-01-1162, 2017. (slides

Highlighting the Differential Benefit in Greenhouse Gas Reduction via Adoption of Plugin Hybrid Vehicles for Different Patterns of Real Driving, Laberteaux, K., Hamza, K., SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, Paper 2017-01-1178, 2017. (slides)

A Cluster Analysis Study of Opportune Adoption of Electric Drive Vehicles for Better Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Hamza, K., Laberteaux, K.. ASME IDETC-2016, Charlotte, NC, DETC2016-59119, 2016. 

An Energy Reallocation Model for Estimation of Equivalent Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Various Charging Behaviors of Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Karim Hamza and Ken Laberteaux, SAE Int. J. Alt. Power. 5(1):2016, doi:10.4271/2016-01-1176, April 2016. (slides)

A Study of Automotive Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Opportunities Through Adoption of Electric Drive Vehicles, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Regina R. Clewlow, Karim Hamza, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 2014. 

What's Driving all this Driving?

There are nearly twice as many Americans living in suburbs than living inside cities.  For most of these people, the personal automobile is the transportation mode of choice, and often the only attractive option. 

This work is focused on why we have observed so much housing growth in the suburbs, and hints at the policy changes that would be needed to reverse this trend.  It briefly speculates on how differences in Gen Y (born after 1980) may (or may not) alter this trend. It concludes by showing how improvements in residential sustainability may look in the future, even if those residences are not in the urban core.

Paper: Visualizing Three Determinants of the U.S. Residential Location Preference, Scaling Infrastructure, Princeton Architectural Press, 2016. (figures are clearer in slides below)

Suburbs, Gen Y, and All That Jazz (mirror)  (video) Presented at the MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism Conference on April 11, 2014.

Related: How Might Automated Driving Impact US Land Use? (pdf) Presented at the Automated Vehicle Symposium on July 16, 2014.

Earlier work:

This talk generally addresses the urbanization and mobility trends in US metropolitan areas, and specifically describes an in-depth study of Denver, Colorado.  (Denver was chosen through a criteria-based selection process to identify a "typical" growing US metropolitan area.)  Maps of projected Denver housing and employment are presented, suggesting a growing importance of suburbs, highways, and personal automobiles to the area.  First Presented at the Meeting of the Minds Conference, Boulder, CO, on September 23, 2011.

In the longer version, the slides include a study of Atlanta, Georgia.  Atlanta is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the US.  The trends towards suburban growth are even stronger in Atlanta than Denver.  

The slides also show general housing, employment, and transportation trends for the whole US.

What's Driving the Driving in Denver? (video-12 min)

What's Driving the Driving in Denver? (PowerPoint slides)

What's Driving all this Driving? (1hr webinar (starts at 3:55), including new material on Atlanta)  (ppt slides) (pdf slides)

What's Driving all this Driving? (Dec 2013 version)

An updated, more complete report of this work appears as a chapter of the 2017 book Infinite Suburbia, edited by Alan M. Berger and Joel Kotkin:

Interburbia: Ground Truthing US Metropolitan Urbanization, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Casey Lance Brown, Alan M. Berger, Infinite Suburbia, Princeton Architectural Press, 2017.

A related study:

Where Americans Live: A Geographic and Environmental Tally, Harvard Journal of Real Estate, Alan M. Berger, Casey L. Brown, Carolyn Kousky, Ken Laberteaux, and Richard Zeckhauser, 2013.

Impacts of Automated Driving

Modeling the Effect of Power Consumption in Automated Driving Systems on Vehicle Energy Efficiency for Real-World Driving in California, Karim Hamza, John Willard, Kang-Ching Chu, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Transportation Research Record, 2019. ( (draft)

A Methodology for Gauging Usage Opportunities for Partially Automated Vehicles with Application to Public Travel Survey Data Sets, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Karim Hamza, Alan Berger, Casey L. Brown, Transportation Research Record, No. 2625, 2017. ( (draft)

Mobility as a Service/Residential Choice/Demographics

A Survey of Deadheading Miles from Ride-Hailing Services in US Cities, Kang-Ching Chu, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Karim Hamza, Transportation Research Board, January 2020.

New mobility service users' perceptions on electric vehicle adoption, Alan Jenn, Ken Laberteaux, and Regina Clewlow, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, February 2018.

Urban Travel and Residential Choices Across Generations: Results from a North American Survey, Regina R. Clewlow, Gouri Shankar Mishra, Alan Jenn,  Ken Laberteaux, 2018 Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 18-03625, 2018. (draft)

Shared-Use Mobility in the United States: Current Adoption and Potential Impacts on Travel Behavior, Regina Clewlow, Ken Laberteaux, 2016 Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 16-6460, 2016. 

Wireless Communications between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure

A tutorial survey on vehicular ad hoc networks, Hartenstein, H.; Laberteaux, K.P. IEEE Magazine on Communications, Volume: 46, Issue: 6, Pages: 164-171, June 2008. (draft version)

Security and Privacy

Efficient Certificate Revocation List Distribution, Jason J. Haas, Yih-Chun Hu, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, IEEE Journal of Special Areas of Communication, April 2011.

The Impact of Key Assignment on VANET Privacy, Jason J. Haas, Yih-Chun Hu, and Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Security and Communication Networks 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., September, 2009.

Design and Analysis of a Lightweight Certificate Revocation Mechanism for VANET, Jason Haas, Yih-Chun Hu, Ken Laberteaux, VANET 2009, Beijing, 2009.

Real-World VANET Security Protocol Performance, Jason Haas, Yih-Chun Hu, Ken Laberteaux, Symposium on Selected Areas in Communications-Consumer Networks, Proceedings of GlobeCom 2009, Honolulu, 2009. 

Security Certificate Revocation List Distribution for VANET, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Jason J. Haas, Yih-Chun Hu, Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, San Francisco, Sep. 2008.

Strong VANET Security On A Budget, Yih-Chun Hu and Ken Laberteaux,  Workshop on Embedded Security for Cars, Munich, Germany, Nov 2006.

Physical Layer (Layer 1)

Channel Characterization for 700 MHz DSRC Vehicular Communication, by Raffi Sevlian, Ian Tan, Carl Chun, Ahmad Bahai and Ken Laberteaux, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 2010.

A Differential OFDM Approach to Coherence Time Mitigation in DSRC, Youwei Zhang, Ian Nathaniel Tan, Carl Chun, Ken Laberteaux, Ahmad Bahai, Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, San Francisco, Sep. 2008.

Measurement and Analysis of Wireless Channel Impairments in DSRC Vehicular Communications, I. Tan, W. Tang, K. Laberteaux, A. Bahai, IEEE International Conference on Communications, May 2008.

Medium Access Control (Layer 2)

Multi-Channel Medium Access Control for Dedicated Short Range Communications, Tony K. Mak, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Raja Sengupta, and Mustafa Ergen, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 58, Issue 1, Jan 2009. 

A Multi-Channel VANET Providing Concurrent Safety and Commercial Services, by T. Mak, K. Laberteaux, and R. Sengupta, Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, Cologne, Sep. 2005. 

Other topics related to Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)

Efficient Message composition and Coding for Cooperative Vehicular Safety Applications, C. L. Robinson, D. Caveney, L. Caminiti, G. Baliga, K. Laberteaux and P. R. Kumar, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, Volume 56, Issue 6, Pages: 3244 – 3255, Nov. 2007.

Adaptive control applied to data networking

A Practical Controller for Explicit Rate Congestion Control, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Charles E. Rohrs, and Panos J. Antsaklis, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 47, no. 6, June 2002.

An Adaptive Inverse Controller for Explicit Rate Congestion Control with Guaranteed Stability and Fairness, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Charles E. Rohrs, and Panos J. Antsaklis, International Journal of Control, vol. 76, no. 1, p 24-47, 2003.

Explicit Rate Congestion Control for Data Networks-A Dissertation, Kenneth P. Laberteaux, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Oct. 2000.


Big Data Talks, Toyota Scientist Listens (mirror), UX Magazine, Article No :1678 | May 4, 2017 | by Steve Tengler, May 2017.

Toyota's Ken Laberteaux Talks about the Road Ahead, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol 15, Number 1, January-March 2016.

And for something completely different

The Lakes of Ponchartrain, Ken Laberteaux, 2001.

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Ken Laberteaux